Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Day 11 - Disc golf in the mountains

We are still in Jackson Hole, Wyoming spending some time with Mike's old college buddy Neil. Neil works at a ski resort, Teton Village Resort he wanted us to see...and it just so happens they have a 12 hole disc golf course (why just 12, I'm not sure). This course was set up in the mountains, right beneath a tram called the Gondola. Every hole we played at least one out of four of us was looking for a disc. It was all uphill until the last 3 holes. So once we finished, almost 2 grueling hours later, Neil took us on the tram to the very top where we ate lunch on a balcony of a 4 star restaurant. It was awesome!

After lunch, we were standing by the tram admiring the views when Mike & Neil decide it would be cool to play to one of the holes we had just finished. Figured it would take 15 to 20 throws to get down the mountain...some of us were smarter to just ride the tram down...well, just one of us (Brandi). Two and a half hours, 3,000 foot vertical drop and some very, very tired legs later, they all showed up at the bottom...with 3 less discs!

Neil had to work that night, but his girlfriend had signed up for a Kickball league & they had a game at 5:30. Again, Mike's ears perked up! We went to the game and the captain gave Mike the OK to play...he was ecstatic! Like a grade schooler all over again he played his heart out...he had a great at bat where he kicked it to deep left field for a double...he even got to pitch an inning...and he had a great catch for an out. It was fun cheering him on!

After the game, we were on our own for dinner. Feeling like sushi, we went to Nikai...it was soooo good! Nice to not eat hot dogs for a change!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I want to play kickball!!!! Way to go you kickball champion- Mr. Christian taught you well!!