Monday, July 14, 2008

Day 7 - MN, North & South Dakota

Woke up early sweating in the tent so got up and started packing. We packed in record time because the mosquitoes were attacking us! Quickly took showers & headed for Salem, ND to see the world’s largest cow!

We decided on McDonald’s for breakfast this morning since we were up & at em so early…as Mike gave our order, we came upon the first window, but no one was there so he continued on to the window 2….they handed us our food and said “have a great day”…Mike tried to get their attention, but quickly decided to take our free food and continue on….our thoughts were, they make billions & we’ve contributed a lot, we deserve one free meal! And he did try to go inside and pay them, but it was a mad house in there….we tried!

On the way through MN, we found a disc golf course in Alexandria…we had fun playing until Mike lost a disc in the water & woods & murk…he searched for a long time, but no luck. I am just glad he got out with no more poison ivy!

On the way out we stopped at Wal-Mart (the first one we’d seen in days!) – we had to get a new cooler – mine bit the dust, had a bad leak. We also got a storage tub for all the food instead of having 8 grocery bags…we are way more organized now!

As we drove through ND there were lots of cows along the way…then finally, up on a hill in the far distance, there she stood…Salem Sue! We took the winding road up to her platform and boy was she a beaut! We took lots of pictures then headed on our way.

We made it about an hour outside of Mt. Rushmore in Spearfish, SD. We stayed at Chris’ Camp – it was by far the nicest one so far. We even had wireless internet service in our tent! We got there too late to grill out…we practically set our tent up in the dark so we ate at DQ not far down the road…if any of you like Girl Scout Thin Mints, I highly recommend the blizzard with thin mints – its sooooo good!!!

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