Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 25 - LET'S GO HOME!!!

We were both up at 7:15 & ready to get home! We said our good-byes and got on the road about 8:45. It rained really hard for about 2 1/2 hours...and boy was there a lot of traffic. After the rain, Mike called in his relief. So I drove for a while...played lots of travel Password (we're ready for national television), then I handed the reins back over to Mike and he drove and drove...we felt delerious from all the driving & 8 1/2 hours later, we made it home!!!

We had such a wonderful trip, we saw some amazing things...we are very glad we made the journey! Thanks for reading our stories & keeping in touch with us!

We're so glad to be home!!!!

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