Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 23 - Illinois

Today we continued our drive East & saw our last landmark: The Gateway Arch in St. Louis. Truly was a cool sight from up close - way better than seeing it from the road, but then we decided to follow the crowds underground...there were so many people under there! Apparently the way things worked were you buy a ticket for a certain time in which you can get in line to ride a tram up to the top of the arch. Tickets were $10/each & we had about a 20 minute wait before we could actually get in line. They had a museum about Lewis and Clark and a couple "old timey" stores & such...20 minutes went by fairly quick so then we got in line. That lasted about 15 minutes...then they took us to a holding room where we waited another 15-20 minutes, then finally we were down by the tram doors. These doors were sooooo small! We had to listen to some audio thing for about 10 minutes or so, then finally the doors opened. Oh my goodness...we were stepping into a port-o-potty size area where not 2, but 5 people were to sit! It was a very tight squeeze! So then after a 4 minute ride up to the top of the arch, we are let out and swarmed by people. You can't even hardly stop to look out the few 2x4 windows they have up top. It was like being on a crowded moving airplane that was very slanted!
Glad we saw the arch, but could have skipped the part where we went up in it!

After the arch, we headed to Marion, Il where I have an old high school friend. She and her husband (he is a coal miner) got transferred there about 3 years ago. Having Garmin get us to her house was very interesting - we were on dirt roads and roads that didn't have names, it was crazy, but we made it there about 8:00. We grilled out chicken & steak and had a great home cooked meal, it was so nice!

Tomorrow we'll keep heading East...getting closer & closer to home!!

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