Monday, July 14, 2008

Day 9 - Devil's Tower & Jackson Hole, WY

As usual, all campers were up at 7AM so we decided to just get up and hit the road. Today was a long day of driving...about 8 hours to Jackson Hole, but we had to stop at Devil's Tower on the way. It took 45 minutes to get off the curvy roads of South Dakota, but finally we're back on an interstate. We made it Devil's Tower & boy is it much bigger than I thought it would be. When we got to the gate, there was a $10/carload fee to enter the park. We asked another couple who had already been through and they said that really the only thing you get is a closer picture & there wasn't anything else to do inside the park. So we took a few pictures and looked in the gift shop and then headed out.

As we crossed into Wyoming, we saw more and more mountains. At one point Mike asked me if I could see the snow on top of the mountains...I thought it was just clouds! But the closer we got the more visible the snow was. We stopped for gas in Buffalo, WY and the temperature was 87. As we drop up and around in the mountains, the temperature dropped as low as 65 & all within 35 miles of Buffalo!

We had to drive through Yellowstone to get to Jackson, WY. That was one thing about Wyoming, only one way to get anywhere and it definitely was not in a straight line! Yellowstone cost $25 for a 7 day pass...this also got you into Grand Teton National Park. Yellowstone has a huge was really big! We got a great picture of the sun setting over it. It took us much longer to get through Yellowstone than we thought...we had to go 35 mph most of the way, but add darkness and fear of deer and other wild life jumping out in front of the car. And yes, we saw many deer and slammed on the brakes several times. Finally we made it to Jackson where we stayed with Mike's old college buddy, Neil.

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