Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day 3 - Blue Lake, MI

We arrived in Blue Lake on Wednesday night (July 2) and stayed through Saturday, July 5. Several of Mike's friends all meet up there to spend a few days on the lake playing Frisdoo (see www.frisdoo.com for more info) and just hanging out to celebrate the 4th of July. We got lots of sun and had a great time. Our plan was to sleep in our tent all 3 nights because both houses were pretty crowded, but Wednesday night was very stormy so stayed in a bunk bed inside one house. The next day we pitched our tent and put layers of clothes on for a nice 38 degree night....it was soooo cold! The next night was not much better!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Brandi, you totally forgot about playing Flip Cup with the awesome Daunts on the 4th! ha ha

Hope all is well, hope to see you guys soon.

Jeremy Daunt