Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Day 13 - Grand Teton National Park

After little sleep, we are up early and glad to be alive so we pack up the tent and head out. By the way, anyone who is thinking of tenting at Yellowstone, there aren't many campgrounds with showers & the one's that do have them, its $2.00 for I think 6 minutes of water.
There were a few waterfalls to see on the way out that we got pictures of then headed for Grand Teton National Park...this park had way more hiking than Yellowstone. We drove to Jenny Lake and took a 5 mile hike up to the Hidden Falls. It was a pretty easy hike, not too much up hill until closer to the falls (Mike was such a trooper for hiking when his legs were still killing him). At the top of the falls it was like nature's air conditioner kicked on....I bet the temperature changed 15-20 degrees colder! But it was another beautiful water fall.

After the hike, we were pretty beat so we headed back to Neil's. Everyone was working that evening so we decided to hit up the Sushi restaurant again...it was just as good! This is our last night at Neil's...off for Salt Lake City tomorrow.

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