Monday, July 21, 2008

Day 18 - Denver, CO

Today’s mission, (well mine more than ours) was to horseback ride somewhere on the way into Denver. The lady who ran the campground we stayed at last night told us one place to go in Buena Vista, but they were booked solid all day. So we drove to the local library to use their internet & started looking for other places. We found the Safari Horse Ranch about 45 minutes away, but definitely on the way to Denver….a girl next to me heard us talking about it and she says she drives there all the time, “it’s the best ranch around”. It looked like this ranch offered a more “open range” trail ride…neither of us knew what that really meant, but we took her advice & drove towards the ranch. We arrive at the ranch (out in the middle of nowhere!) where we are the only 2 people there to ride! Mike gets his first horse lesson & we’re ready to go! I was paired up with Tennessee & Mike got Blackjack. Our “Wrangler” had only been in Colorado for 1 month so he didn’t have much to say about the area. He was a quiet guy, but he did let us trot with the horses (that felt great) & we didn’t have to ride nose to tail (that's what open range meant, by the way) so that was nice. Great views & great fun on those horses…but an hour was definitely enough!

We left the ranch and headed for Denver. Mike pricelined another great deal in downtown, just a few miles away from Coors Field, where the Rockies play. On the outskirts of downtown, we finally see real chain restaurants…we’re in a real town, yeah! So we stop & eat at a Chipotle (one of our favorites)….it was delicious! After that we found our hotel & headed to the game. On the way, we stopped by to see the Mile High Stadium, where the Denver Bronco’s play….very cool to see, but you couldn’t get in like we could in Green Bay. At Coors Field we scalped a couple tickets and headed out for left field. They were actually good seats, very close to left fielder Matt Holiday. We even thought we were going to catch a home run ball, but Matt beat us to it! Rockies played the Pirates & won 4-2.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mike didn't they have any horses named Buttercup?????