Monday, July 21, 2008

Day 19 - still in Denver!

Today’s agenda included a free tour of the Coors Plant in Golden, CO about 30 minutes away from Denver. As we pulled into the parking lot, we realized we had to wait in line to catch a shuttle over to the plant…that was a long, very hot wait…about 96 degree hot to be exact. So we sweated, I mean waited it out & an hour later we were inside the plant! It was a self guided tour…they gave us these phone looking things to carry with us & listen to how beer was made. We were both a little shocked to find out all the different brands of beer Coors made…like Blue Moon. After the tour you were allowed to taste test 3 glasses…we only had time for one though! Honest.

Our original plan this morning was to tour Coors then head on up to Rocky Mountain National Park, but the beer tour took a little longer than expected. Plus we couldn’t find any camgrounds that had room for us…all full for the weekend. So we went to Golden’s library & Mike pricelined another good deal in Golden/Denver area. So we checked in & decided we might as well catch another Rockies game! This time we just bought $10 tickets at the box office then headed in (late…3rd inning)…Mike scoped us out 2 empty seats on the 3rd base line, but I was scared to walk past the “ticket looker-at-er”….so had to find one that was either a bit slow & unaware of those passing by him without showing a ticket. We found our unsuspecting character & after a 5 minute pep talk by Mike, I was the first to go down……..we both made it past him, no problem! After we sat down in these great seats, Mike asked the nice couple next to us if anyone had been sitting there & the nicely said there wasn’t. We had a great time – awesome seats – but no foul balls were caught.

After the game…a good night’s sleep for tomorrow is full of hiking at Rocky Mountain National Park…gonna be an early one!

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