Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 22 - Royals vs Tigers

Today was super hot, but we decided to play a disc course in KC. It was a pretty long course...I only lasted 10 holes. Poor Mike, he's used to carrying a heavy bag full of clubs & play all day...not me & I only had two little discs to carry!

After that we, well I recooperated, then headed over to the Royals/Tigers game. Once again, we had some pretty high up seats, but after much sweet talking, Mike coerced me into sneaking way down front - 4 rows up, third base line to be exact...they were sweet seats!! Right after we sang Take Me Out to the Ball Game in the 7th inning, the skies got dark & down came the rains! It was pouring! We decided to make a run for the car...we got drenched!! Worse part...we couldn't find the car!! It took us probably 10 minutes in the parking lot in pouring down rain before we found the car, it was terrible! But alas, the car alarm worked!

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