Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Day 15 - Antelope Island

Today we are headed for Antelope Island...this was also recommended by Neil so we figured it would be just as good as Bear Lake.....we were very wrong. This is a state park tucked away in the Great Salt Lake. We had to pay $9 to get in and as we drove on the straight, long 2 lane road, we aren't sure what we're getting ourselves into....the island looks like a giant rock desert. The lake water was low and you could literally see salt on the ground where the water used to be. We drove and drove till finally we got to the visitor's center. The poor old guy working there didn't know a thing about this island...we had read there was horse back riding and the lady asking him about it got no answers from the old guy....he had no clue on cost, or even if the horses would be there. But he did know where a pack of buffalo were! So we headed for the ranch to check it out...hoping this island would get better. We did see the buffalo and boy were there a lot of them...babies too!
At the ranch, there was nothing going on......the only fun thing was a cow made out of a barrel and a lasso....Mike did his best lasso on the cow - it was down right cowboy-like!

We saw a beach area where people were swimming so we thought we'd give that a try....keep in mind its 96 degrees today...we thought the lake would be refreshing. So we park and realize we have about a 1/4 mile walk to get to the water...on our way we pass 3 girls who tell us, "the water is so hot and there are lots of bugs"....we thought how bad could it be, let's just go. Sure enough, about 10 feet from the water, we were attacked by bugs! They looked like gnats, but I don't know what they were...it was so gross! There were probably 48 million bugs per square inch! I wish I could say we at least put our big toes in the water, but we ran back for the car!

We decided to turn the day around for the better and play some disc golf! We called Mike's mom to help us find one nearby then Garmin did the rest for us. This course was really nice and we left with all our discs!

We checked out our hotel's pool on the way back & then heated up some left-overs for dinner. And now...the All-Star game....of course!

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