Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our Wedding Day

July 25, 2009

Mike graciously allowed me to have a girly slumber party in our room while he stayed with John and Jesse in their condo.
Me, Amanda, Brittany & Lauren started off my wedding day with some mimosas. Then we started watching Bride Wars while Leslee Ann (my hair & make-up lady) made me "hot" as she put it!
We were all ready to go so we piled up in our cars and my side of the group headed for the Wedding Tree, while Mike and his side were already on their way.

Mike and I had some Mapquest directions to the Tree, but we were still unsure of its exact location. I assumed since it was in a National Forest/park that there would be signs for this beautiful wedding spot...well, we were wrong! We all drove and drove and drove way past where we needed to go. Fortunately we caught up with Mike and his group so that was a relief, now we just needed to find the Tree! Keeping in mind we were on somewhat of a tight schedule - we only had the photographer from 2:30 - 5:30 and the preacher had to leave promptly after our ceramony to go to his next one! By 3:05, we are all still driving around looking for this Tree...then Neil found a ranch and a woman on a horse who knew exactly where this Wedding Tree was! As we pulled in, I noticed there was only 1 car parked there...shouldn't there be 2? So who didn't show up??? As I was the last person to walk down the trail, I see my very-soon-to-be-sister-in-law running towards me yelling "the preacher isn't here"! Honestly, I just laughed! I was just so relieved to be in the place we had picked to be married at so many months before, that it really didn't matter to me.....I guess deep down I knew it would all work out. And boy did it! Turns out, our photographer, Linda, was ordained! So our photographer took some amazing pictures AND married us!!

After our short and sweet wedding, we all drove to The Snake River Grill for our reception - wow, that was some good food!!! Our parents were so thankful to have cooked meat (and no sushi)!

What happened next? That's right, back to the Mangy Moose!! It gets better...Neil brough Cornhole! I can't believe there was Cornhole being played after my wedding!!! :-) In case it was even a question, my husband was undeafted!

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