Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our Wedding Day

July 25, 2009

Mike graciously allowed me to have a girly slumber party in our room while he stayed with John and Jesse in their condo.
Me, Amanda, Brittany & Lauren started off my wedding day with some mimosas. Then we started watching Bride Wars while Leslee Ann (my hair & make-up lady) made me "hot" as she put it!
We were all ready to go so we piled up in our cars and my side of the group headed for the Wedding Tree, while Mike and his side were already on their way.

Mike and I had some Mapquest directions to the Tree, but we were still unsure of its exact location. I assumed since it was in a National Forest/park that there would be signs for this beautiful wedding spot...well, we were wrong! We all drove and drove and drove way past where we needed to go. Fortunately we caught up with Mike and his group so that was a relief, now we just needed to find the Tree! Keeping in mind we were on somewhat of a tight schedule - we only had the photographer from 2:30 - 5:30 and the preacher had to leave promptly after our ceramony to go to his next one! By 3:05, we are all still driving around looking for this Tree...then Neil found a ranch and a woman on a horse who knew exactly where this Wedding Tree was! As we pulled in, I noticed there was only 1 car parked there...shouldn't there be 2? So who didn't show up??? As I was the last person to walk down the trail, I see my very-soon-to-be-sister-in-law running towards me yelling "the preacher isn't here"! Honestly, I just laughed! I was just so relieved to be in the place we had picked to be married at so many months before, that it really didn't matter to me.....I guess deep down I knew it would all work out. And boy did it! Turns out, our photographer, Linda, was ordained! So our photographer took some amazing pictures AND married us!!

After our short and sweet wedding, we all drove to The Snake River Grill for our reception - wow, that was some good food!!! Our parents were so thankful to have cooked meat (and no sushi)!

What happened next? That's right, back to the Mangy Moose!! It gets better...Neil brough Cornhole! I can't believe there was Cornhole being played after my wedding!!! :-) In case it was even a question, my husband was undeafted!

1 Day Before the Wedding

Friday, July 24

This morning all the guys went golfing at Jackson Hole Golf & Tennis Club...the pics are awesome! Nothing like watching that little white ball go sailing past some really big mountains with snow on top! :)

Meanwhile, I hung out on the roof top of my hotel in a hot tub with my that is relaxing! Audrey & Jo Anne had even more relaxation at the spa in Hotel Terra - one facial and one massage.

Afterwards, us girls all went to the ranch to ride horses. Audrey (Mike's sister) had never rode before, but she did spectacular! Now me on the other hand, who has ridden many times before, was given a horse as tall as Sears Tower! After my attempt to climb up my horse, the Cowboy/Ranger/Leader guy had to hoist me up onto the saddle...and by "hoist" I mean push me up firmly by my "assets"!!! It was SO embarrassing! After we got going, we quickly found out that Audrey and Lauren's horses were BFF's and that Audrey's horse was just hungry! Then the rain came and boy was it cold. So cold that when our hour was up and I rapelled off of my horse, my hand was stuck in a hook-like postion from holding the reins in the cold! What better way to fix that? That's right, going to the hot tub again!

Usually the night before a wedding, the wedding party gathers at the church to reherse the ceramony. Looking back now, I'm thinking that's what we should have done. But due to the simplicity of our wedding, we felt all of that was unnecessary so we all just went to dinner! We went to Nikai Sushi in downtown Jackson. Our parents were a bit skeptical about this sushi joint, but they were troppers and tried a California Roll!

The night ended after yet again, another visit to the Mangey Moose!

2 Days Before the Wedding

Almost exactly 1 year ago we took the trip of a, we are excited to add to this blog of that trip, our journey back to Jackson Hole, WY to get married!

We had 23 close friends and family members join us in WY on Thursday, July 23, 2009 to start celebrating. Our trip started off around 10:00 a.m. when me, Mike, my parents, Jo Anne & Skip flew out of Greensboro, NC to Chicago. Believe it or not, Chicago was on time and no delays to report...except for one - Skip! Apparently the other 5 of us were walking a bit too quickly through the airport because we only had 45 minutes to walk from terminal A to terminal Z! So we make it to the gate without Skip, but he did manage to turn up with food in his hand and ready to board the plane on time! So off we go from Chicago to Jackson, WY.

We landed in the beautiful Teton's in Jackson around 2:00 p.m (that's mountain time, of course). My "little sister" Lauren met us at the airport with hugs and smiles and then Me and Mike took off for downtown to get our marriage license! My parents and Lauren waited for my other "sister" Brittany to arrive about 30 minutes behind us.

As we drove into downtown, we got a hold of Mike's family - his parents, sister and brother-in-law had arrived earlier and we're checking out the we met up with them and had our very own photographer (aka, Holly Austin, Mike's Mom) while we signed our papers!

Then we all headed to Teton Village where everyone was going to be staying for the next 4 nights. Mike and I checked in to Hotel Terra - absolutely beautiful!!! We couldn't have been happier with our 1 bedroom suite...we had a living room, balcony and a full kitched, oh and 2 bathrooms!

Then we drove over the condos most everyone else was staying at. Both of our parents were in the same building along with Mike's friends: Jesse, John, Mark and Kacie. Most interesting about these condos was NO A/C! I guess the owners figured its colder there than hot, but I think they all stayed nice and cool with the fresh mountain air coming through their windows.

Time to eat! Mike called his friend Neil who lives in Jackson and works at the Cadallic (a restaurant downtown)...he got us in at 6:30 - we ate outside, it was gorgeous! And the food was good too!

After dinner, the younger crowd headed to the Mangy Moose to catch up and have a few drinks...............great hang-out!